Now is the time to start planning the rebuilding of great Ukrainian heritage. This is our chance to help preserve communities, neighborhoods, and the cities across the country. We are helping those millions of Ukrainians who stayed in the country but were displaced from their homes. And we will help those Ukrainians who were forced to flee, return to rebuild a better life.
Since 24th February 2022, cities and regions across Ukraine have been reduced to rubble leaving millions of innocent people with no homes, jobs, schools or families to return to. This is a humanitarian crisis that goes far wider than the borders of Ukraine. All around the world, individuals and organizations are keen to do their bit to support the people of Ukraine in their hour of need.
CTA: Get in touch now to find out how you can help rebuild Ukraine
Build New Ukraine brings disaster relief and conflict zone experience to the Ukrainian relief effort. But we need your support. If you can provide financial support or services, get in touch now.
Your support will help us:
- Replan destroyed cities
- Rebuild destroyed communities
- Provide development management services
- Provide construction management services
- Design new homes
- Design low rise condominium buildings
- Design mid rise condominium buildings
- Design high rise condominium buildings
- Create landscape design plans
- Prepare community association documents
- Provide planned community management services
- Provide construction materials
- Provide construction financing
- Provide ongoing financial support